Joshua Lectures

Joshua Lectures

Joshua Lectures at New Antioch

The Joshua Lectures are an extension of New Antioch’s classical education model. The intent of these lectures is to expose a larger audience to the understanding of the lordship of Christ over all spheres of life.

These lectures aim to address various topics within the disciplines of theology, philosophy, education, medicine, law, and ethics. Classical education engages these topics in a robust manner with an eye upon the cultural landscape and a mind transformed by the Scriptures. For a reformation of today’s vocations and institutions, Christians must be courageous and equipped to live for Christ. This is New Antioch’s mission.

New Antioch extends an invitation to come and experience these lectures. Each presenter approaches their topic with a substantial background of experience and/or formal training in their particular discipline and endeavours to provide a careful and rigorous application of the Christian faith to life. Each evening’s lecture will also afford those in attendance the opportunity to ask questions of the presenter through a moderated Q&A period following the presentation.

Joshua Lectures: Podcast

These lectures aim to address various topics within the disciplines of theology, philosophy, education, medicine, law, and ethics. Classical education engages these topics in a robust manner with an eye upon the cultural landscape and a mind transformed by the Scriptures. For a reformation of today’s vocations and institutions, Christians must be courageous and equipped to live for Christ. This is New Antioch’s mission.

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Weekly Lectures

Tuesday Evenings 6:30–8:30pm
Christ Covenant Church - map
New West Community Church - map
Contact: Tim Carson